
亞洲寶貝I /Asian Babe II

亞洲寶貝影像紀錄請看這/ Watch "asian babe" video clip

Special Thanks to
Wei Hsinyen and Michelle for recording documentation!

After class, the other spot


This friendly lady just got a haircut. She told me that her partner is from Thailand. His father went to Thailand for Vietnam War and met his mother there. She said that he had ever complained that the others would think him as stupid for his accent, then she replied him that he is smarter than others, because he could say two languages. I tried to make a good paper-cut for her but failed. Nevertheless, she still took it and agreed to take a picture with me : "It's ok because I just got haircut!"


This guy's foot was hurt for practicing tae kwon do. His Asian fantasy is to go to every temple in Asia, and to be massaged. So I massaged his upper body with the skills I had learned in COSWAS. His friend seemed to be unbelievable that massage is his "Asian Babe Fantasy". He is fascinated about martial arts, and he can say "Dan-tian" (Mandarin, the lower part of abdomen). He approved my project a lot and said: " I hope you could get an A in the assignment."

亞洲寶貝I /Asian Babe I

亞洲寶貝影像紀錄請看這/ Watch "asian babe" video clip 
Special Thanks to
Wei Hsinyen and Michelle for recording documentation!



這個作業對我來說比較像在作研究前蒐集資訊,很多時候我在語言上無法馬上回應,還要麻煩我的同學們在一旁翻譯。無法掌握語言工具時,許多資訊也無法掌握; 這時個人剩下的就是身體,用你的身體可以提供的服務在異文化中交換資訊獲得工具。


Asian Babe
2011, Sep.

I had registered a global website for finding friends. When I came here, I changed my location from Taipei to Chicago, and then I got some mails calling me "Asian Babe", even I haven't put any pictures on the website. I guess the reason that I could get these mails because of my Asian descent.

When I'm in Taiwan, people often don't like girls who are dressed in a stereotypical "Asian" way and tend to attract Western people. I'm interested in this kind of phenomenon, for these girls try to reply Western people's "Asian Fantasy" by their own imagination of it. There are so many cultural projection in this kind of relationship.

I'm really curious about what kind of imagination or fantasy exist in Western people's mind, so I dressed like an "Asian Babe", elongating my eyes by tape, and go to street to ask people this question.

What I exchange for the information from my participants is to provide some service for them. The participants can describe their own "Asian Babe Fantasy", and I would try to achieve their fantasy on the spot. Or they can choose to pick out a lot from my lottery box, which describes the service that I can offer, such as paper-cut, writing their name in Chinese on their body, massage for 5 minutes, and French(?) kiss.

When people who are in foreign country and not familiar with the local language, it's possible for them to get much less information than those who can use the local language well. In this situation, the way they can get more information or resource is to provide the service by their own body. That's what I feel in the process of the performance.

And to my dear friend Y, who gave me the awesome Chinese dress: I wore it I wore it~! Everyone likes it a lot, even people who wore it not so hot~!

The whole setting, what I took is my lottery box
這個捧由看到幫我拍照的欣妍很辣,就跑來跟她搭訕,成為我第一個客人。非常直接,問可否做愛。我說sorry 啊,只有here right now, 最後他問我可不可以喇輯,我就說好。這可是我在美國第一個吻啊。
The guy came to us voluntarily before we setting down, for he thought my classmate plus photographer was really hot. So he became the first participant, and showed his desire sincerely. To the end, he asked me to kiss him, then I did. It's my first kiss in U.S.A.


These guys like the tape used for elongating my eyes, the taller one even took the tape, sticking near his eyes, and claimed that he was Asian. His friend said that he already had a Philippines girlfriend, so he is done. Then the taller one picked a lot, so I wrote down his name on his arm.

I asked the guy if he would like to pick a lot. He didn't reply, but hugged me instead.


Cute lady, very interested in what I did. She said that one of her friend from Japan is really popular because of her Asian descent, even her friend is bigger than her. I wanted to write down her name on her arm, but she said that she would take a shower later and the pigment isn't water-proof. So I wrote down her name on a paper and told her how to pronounce it, and she said that she could speak Chinese now.

歡迎光臨/ Huan Yin Guang Lin ("Welcome" in Chinese)

感謝魏欣妍跟Diandra Millar的幫忙!

Special Thanks to
Wei Hsinyen and Diandra Millar!





我的作品是這樣子的,我找了另一個台灣女生欣妍(她有來玩過跳蛋喔 但我們認識幾天以後才發現這件事 真好玩),我們兩個像穿制服的服務生一身黑,脖子上綁著用色紙作的蝴蝶結,然後站在展場入口的兩旁。如果有觀眾想要進去,我跟她就會幫觀眾掀簾子,然後用中文跟觀眾說“歡迎光臨!”,觀眾走進展場,我們繼續用中文跟他們說明兩旁的作品可以任意拿取,像是“那邊的糖果/紙可以自己拿喔”。如果被觀眾問問題,我們繼續用中文回答。態度超級友善,笑容滿面,但只說中文。

我們在星期天去了美術館,結果整個忘記那天是個特別的日子。當我們站在那裡“歡迎光臨”不到兩三個觀眾,警衛就過來問我們是不是申請在這裡公開表演核准的藝術家,我用中文回答她“不是”,她滿臉疑惑的重複了“不是”兩個字,隱約發現我說的應該是“no",然後她就很sorry的請我們離開:"(以下英翻中,有點尷尬) girls, 我知道你們做得事情很有趣,但我真的覺得你們不要繼續這樣作比較好。尤其今天是911(!),上面的人都很敏感,你們是外國人,在這裡講著大家聽不懂的話,讓觀眾(跟館方)都很緊張"。

我們試著解釋我們在做什麼,但是她很遺憾的搖搖頭。之後我們試著找別的展間做其他人的作品,也不斷碰到警衛過來關心。有一個警衛人很好,他讓我們做完作品才過來跟我們說今天其實並不是這樣做的好時機; 結果過沒多久美術館經理就走過來跟他說話,同時一直盯著我們看。後來等到經理離開,警衛才告訴我們我們在美術館外面做呼吸暖身時就被注意了,因為我們三個穿著一身黑,又做很奇怪的事情。

本來我的作品只是要說身處異鄉的疏離感,但是好狗運(?)碰到911, 為整個情境帶來一種更廣闊跟基巴的意涵(?吧)。


歡迎光臨 Huan Yin Guang Lin ("Welcome" in Chinese)

AIC Museum

I chose the exhibition venue for “Felix Gonzalez-Torres” as the location for my piece. There is a golden curtain made by plastic beads installed at the entrance in the exhibition venue, after passing the curtain, they would see a pile of candies placed in the right corner and a stack of papers in the left corner. Audience can take a candy or a piece of paper at will, but there is no specific illustration to tell that they can do so. My piece is “歡迎光臨”(huan yin guang lin, means “welcome”)I chose Hsinyen, who also comes from Taiwan as me, as my partner in the performance, and Diandra helped to document the performance. Hsinyen and I who dressed in black with red bow ties on our necks (like waiter’s uniform) have to stand on the each side of the entrance before the curtain. When we see audience who tend to go through the entrance, both of us would push aside the curtain for them and greet “Welcome” in Chinese at the same time. After audience passing the entrance, we would try to explain what they could do with the pieces in Chinese, like “you can get a candy in the corner” or “you can take a piece of paper over there if you want”, in a really friendly attitude. If audience would like to ask us some questions, we also reply them in Chinese, friendly. What I want to do in the performance is to convert the localization by language. By providing service to audience in a foreign language, I try to make audience get a sense of alienation (even both of us are really friendly), as if they themselves stay in a museum not located in U.S.A. What inspires me to do the piece is my personal experience of being outside from my home country for this period of time. In fact, people here treat me really friendly and politely, like I treat immigrant workers (most of them come from south-east Asia) in Taiwan, but I still can’t get rid of a sense of isolation. Then I suddenly become aware of what my attitude toward immigrant people is: I treat them friendly and politely by the political correctness, and as a native inhabitant who want to support the immigrant issue, I thought that I practiced it pretty well in my daily life, until I found that I never try to make a deeply conversation based on understanding with them. For me, the piece is like a reminder, and I also want to remind others by experiencing the similar condition. But something happened changed the whole story. We forgot the date we decided to do our performance was 911. After observing what we had done for a short while (about two or three audience passing by), the security guard came to us and asked me if we were permitted applicants for performing in the museum. “不是(bu shi, means “no” in Chinese)” I replied, then the security repeated what I said in a confused tone. “Bu shi..?? (she suddenly found out it should mean no) Anyway, girls, what you do is really interesting, but I really don’t think it’s a good idea to continue doing it, especially today is 911, our boss is really sensitive at this time, that's why you see so many security guards here today... and you guys speak foreign language to people that they don’t know, it makes them (and us) nerves.” We tried to explain what we did to her to get much time doing the piece, but it was in vain. Then she kept her eyes on us in that space to make sure we couldn’t do it again. There comes an interesting contrast between my performance and the reaction of the security guards (meanwhile, as audience); for me, it makes an irony that my first performance in U.S.A. could be welcomed in this way

15分鐘的婚姻-台北MOCA版/ 15Minutes of Marriage II-Taipei MOCA Version

--> -->感謝我結婚超人氣大團隊!!

Ken將,念雲,火車,小塔,立儷,小白,碗茹,莎莎,秀蓮,佳仙,小莉,郁晴,Honda, 大為,仕爵,小兔,Terry, 宜君,安琪,大奎,六七團隊,偉慈,冠妏,韻文,黃鸚鵡,Taco(如果我忘了誰煩請提醒~)


Artist's interview(including video documentation)
Download thanks cards

One of audience, whose brother married me for 15 minutes, edited the documentation




15 Minutes of Marriage II-Taipei MOCA version

2011, Feb.-2011, Apr.

Live Ammo, Taipei MOCA

Several months later after performing"15 Minutes of Marriage" in Shengkeng, this time , in Taipei MOCA, I put on the same wedding dress again, waiting in the exhibition venue that I had prepared for my wedding ceremony. I still asked goers in the museum to marry me for 15 minutes, but this time, these grooms had to propose to me, taking wedding photos and reading wedding vows with me. After the ceremony, other audience could tease the newlywed for 15 minutes, such as asking me and my groom to exchange our cloths beneath blankets and so on. After performance, I would design the thanks cards for my grooms, and they can download the cards from website.

15分鐘的婚姻-深坑版/15 Minutes of Marriage-Shengkeng Version



2010/9/25 深坑行為馬拉松/新北市藝術節


15 Minutes of Marriage I-Shengkeng Version

2010, Sep. 25th
Performance in Shen-Keng, Xinbei City International Arts Festival, Xinbei City

15 Minutes of Marriage I” was held on Sep. 25th, 2010 in Shen Keng, where is famous for its tofu, I dressed up as a bride and asked 5 passer-by to marry with me for fifteen minutes each, if she/he agreed to do it, we would get married on the scene and read the marriage vows. After the ceremony, I would treat my mate a tofu-dish and “eat her/his tofu” (In Chinese, “eat one’s tofu” means taking advantage of someone, especially of one’s body in a philandering way) till fifteen minutes passed by






2010女性影展競圖用插圖/ The illustrations used in the main image for 2010 Women Film Festival's Design Competition

2010 鉛筆

The illustrations used in the main image for 2010 Women Film Festival's Design Competition
2010 pencil

2010女性影展 主視覺競圖/ Design Competition of the main image for 2010 Women Film Festival

2010女性影展 主視覺競圖

Design Competition of the main image for 2010 Women Film Festival

人本教育札記 p34.36-"阿芳不再向命運低頭了"插圖/The Illustration for Article, Humanistic Educational Journal, p.34-36

人本教育札記 p34.36-"阿芳不再向命運低頭了"插圖
2010 拼貼

The Illustration for Article, Humanistic Educational Journal, p.34-36

2010 collage