
「讓我一次愛個夠之為了藝術為了愛」黃立慧個展 跳蛋系列 趴特水/The third exhibition/performance of serial work “Make me high and more”

「讓我一次愛個夠之為了藝術為了愛」黃立慧個展 跳蛋系列 趴特水

The third exhibition/performance of serial work “Make me high and more”.
2008/Jan.18th-20th, Jan.25th-27th, the lobby of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre.


My friend told me that I might ask some information about exhibiting in the lobby of Guling street avant-garde theatre, and I also thought that doing the performance in a theatre’s lobby might produce some interesting echoes to the space. I decided to build up my box below the stair, for the space under the stair is quite private while many people in the theatre often pass by.

展覽用傳單及展場草稿/the leaflet and the sketch for the exhibition


I made some image records of the ex-audience in the ex-performance, and the background noise is the sound from vibrator’s movement. I would project the image (30mins-length) into the side for audience of the box when nobody sit in the space, and stop projecting while someone try to enter into the box and interact with me.

