地點: 牯嶺街小劇場1樓大廳
The fake exhibition,
2008/Jan. 24th , the lobby of Guling Street Avant-garde Theatre.
為了辦「讓我一次愛個夠之為了藝術為了愛」 跳蛋系列趴特水,我跟家裡借了一些錢,於是我爸媽吵著要來看展覽。以我對我爸媽的了解,讓他們知道我在做什麼,實在有害家庭和諧,所以我硬是辦了一個假的展給我爸媽和他們的朋友參觀,這個展只會出現一個晚上。
To hold the third exhibition of serial work “Make me high and more”, I borrowed some money from my parents, and they expressed strong desire to go to the exhibition that they had no idea about what it is. I knew my parents, and really did not think that they would accept what I had done; the only solution coming into my mind was to hold a fake exhibition for one night for my parents and their friends.
展覽傳單/the leaflet of the fake exhibition
我找了日日春的朋友來展覽,跟他們說隨便展什麼都行。 大家想一些有的沒的,除了畫畫素描手工書之外,還有去爬山帶回來的盆栽、吃蘑菇時拍的照片、大學畢業剪掉的長髮、幫日日春劇團做的配樂跟討論性經驗的錄音。
I invited my friends in COSWAS to join the exhibition, and told them that they could exhibit anything they want. My friends brought their works that included their paintings、sketches、handmade-books、planets brought from the road side、photos showing my friend’s images that she tasted hallucination mushrooms at first time、a boy’s hairs that were cut down when he graduated from college、the incidental music created for dramas, and the sound recording of their discussions about sexual experience.
My friends and I had joined a drum team called “Jin Huo Da ”(means very angry, and “Jin Huo Da ”often shows in protesting actions or parades), which members use plastic buckets as drums and are very unprofessional.
We beat drums at the fake exhibition for a while to try to make everyone more cheerful.
My advising professor also came and shook hands with my father, and the act made my parents never doubt that the exhibitions is a fake one.
I really love my friends and my professor~
Thanks a lot!